For the third year, a Community Christmas Nativity Display will be held at the Okinawa District Building, 7-11-1 Matsumoto, Okinawa. On Saturday, December 10th and Sunday, December 11th from 15:00 - 20:00 a walk-through open house featuring Christmas music and nativities from all around the world will be open to the public. Over 100 nativities will be on display in the cultural hall, and musical groups from around the island will perform over 10 hours of live Christmas music in the chapel adjacent to the display.
"We are so happy to partner again with the Okinawa Stake and the Fukuoka Mission for this important event," commented Okinawa District President Mark Francis. "This nativity display is our combined gift to the community and an opportunity to share the Spirit of Christmas and of Christ with our friends and neighbors."
During the past two years approximately 1,000 guests have viewed the nativities each December during the display.
For the first time this year guests will also see the "nearly finished" Okinawa Temple right next to the Church building.
"We like to think of the Nativity Display as an 'opportunity' more than an 'event'," commented Sister Jill Haggerty, District Relief Society President. "An opportunity for the community to come and learn about Christmas, hear beautiful music, and see and understand more about our Savior Jesus Christ and the season of His birth."
Please see the attached flier for more information. All are welcome!