
Elder Gary E. Stevenson Reflects on Tokyo Japan Temple Open House

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, participated in the first week of the Tokyo Japan Temple open house.

“We’re able to spend wonderful moments in the temple with so many of our friends — members of the Church and our friends of other faiths,” Elder Stevenson said.

More than 3,300 people toured the temple in the first week of the open house.

“We’ve had special invited guests that have been here, and they’ve come from numerous walks of life,” Elder Stevenson said. “Leaders in religion, education and commerce … have come to the temple with us, and it has been a remarkable opportunity.”

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Elder Stevenson’s connection to Japan is rooted in his years of Church service that started with a full-time mission in Fukuoka in the 1970s. In later years, Elder Stevenson served as mission leader of the Japan Nagoya Mission (2004–2007) and Area President of the Asia North Area.

“The Japanese Saints are just so filled with faith and devotion. So, part of [my] love for Japan is [their] love for temples and [how that mirrors] the love that our Saints have for temples,” Elder Stevenson explained.

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Elder Stevenson cherished his experiences at the temple this week with its visitors, who ranged from community, civic and religious leaders to prominent figures like Olympic speedskater Seiko Hashimoto.

"One very prominent person … in the celestial room was able to meditate and reflect upon the passing of his wife a few years ago, and as we left the celestial room he said to me in Japanese, ‘Somehow the air that I breathed in that room was different.’ It touched his heart.”

As Elder Stevenson and Sister Stevenson reflect on this week, they hope many will take advantage of the unique opportunity to “come and see the temple.”

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The public open house continues through June 18.

To learn more or schedule a tour, please visit www.tokyojapantemple.jp

Additional Resources:

Beloved Tokyo Japan Temple Opens to the Public Following Renovation


First Visitors tour the Tokyo Japan Temple


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